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Totem Cash Cliff Notes: For those who won't read a long message, take a look at Virtua Girl HD.
We have more than 4 Million Users and are being offered as an upsell on 100s of paysites for a good reason.
We pay more per click than anyone else you send your traffic to... and all we are asking for is the chance to prove it.
(Explained in more detail below)

These days it seems many in the adult online industry are spending their time whining about tube sites or worrying about free content destroying the marketplace. At Totem Cash we understand that those issues are real, but instead of being paralyzed by them we have gone out and done something to solve the problem. Perhaps that's why our Virtua Girl HD website recently surpassed the Two Million User mark. We aren't trying to do business as usual; we are asking you to join us in doing business that is truly extraordinary.
Totem Cash is the maker of the world famous Virtua Girl HD adult desktop application featuring high-definition video images of amazing models performing sexy stripper routines along the status bar of any computer monitor. The software can be downloaded for free and is updated daily with new FREE versions of our daily model updates allowing users to preview the content so they can choose to buy only the girls that really satisfy their desires. That means happier customers, better retention and a greater profit per click profit for you on your traffic.
When you go to a clothing store you don't spend money to get a monthly subscription to shop there. When you go to a nice restaurant you don't pay to eat there all month either. The dominant pricing model in the adult industry today is unlike anything else consumers are used to in their daily lives. That's very bad for your business. Even music is now bought on a per song basis, not a per album basis or a per month basis.
Buyers don't want a whole month of material just to get the girl they like, and that makes it a lot easier for you to sell them content ala carte like we offer with Virtua Girl HD.
Surfers can buy individual models for as little as $2.00 each or they can choose larger package plans to get several of our amazing HD models at discounted rates. Purchases are always on a per girl basis. The result is a whole new way for affiliates to maximize their traffic because after all is said and done; the only thing that really matters is how much money you are making per click with your traffic!
By creating a proprietary downloadable content format that has been certified safe (without spyware, adware or other malware of any kind), Totem Cash has removed the possibility of our content being made available for free by pirates and thieves. That makes it some of the best adult content for you to promote because it is not an oversaturated product and can not be grabbed from illegal sites that are curtailing your profits like the videos used when you promote other more traditional affiliate programs.
We publish the statistics of our 100 top affiliates and you can view that data here: showing that many are earning as much as 20 cents per click from their traffic by sending it to Totem Cash. Obviously you should rely on your own sales stats to decide where you can make the most money, but we aren't asking you to send us all of your traffic... we are asking you to test out our product with your traffic. After you see that you are earning more from Totem Cash than you do elsewhere, we are confident you will want to expand our mutually successful business relationship and we look forward to working with you on many ways we feel we can accomplish that.
As one final note, take a look at all the industry leading paysites that are promoting Virtua Girl HD as an upsell on their tours and in their members areas. Would they all be doing that if they could earn more per click sending their traffic somewhere else? We really do have a unique product, it really will earn you more money... and all we are asking you to do is signup and send some traffic to see those facts proven for yourself. 4. Why promote VirtuaGirl?

VirtuaGirl is one of the most innovative and unique adult products on the Internet today. Promoting VirtuaGirl is really worth trying. It has already generated millions of dollars for webmasters and has registered more than 150 million users since its debut in 1998.

The idea is simple: Give away a good product for free, and then charge users a small fee to upgrade to a bigger, better, flashier, more explicit version. More than 150 million copies of the VirtuaGirl software have been downloaded to date and a thriving community of fan sites has sprung up internationally.

"We give the software for free, with 15 girls to start and then a new one every day, but they don't fully undress," CEO Richard Excoffier explains. "Then we tease the guy every day with our software on his desktop. People can buy girls for as low as $1 and end up spending way way more.

The product not only attracts surfers who adore the strippers on their desktops and appreciate the software's freedom from spyware and adware, but also for the quality of the rest of the site's content in the form of photo and video galleries and "making of" reports.

The daily statistics of our top 100 affiliates are available in the TOP100 section of, we are one of the only sponsors out there who dares to publish that kind of information.

"We've found that a product like this can convert almost any traffic," he continues. "Due to its unique nature, our strippers on desktops don't take away from other deals working well for Webmasters on their sites. VirtuaGirl will make them money on top of what they're already making. It's extra cash, and there's lots of it to be made."
Small animated VirtuaGirl banners on the right or left side of a site's homepage perform the best. Traffic oriented on 'strippers' or 'desktop entertainment' converts especially well with this kind of product. 5. VirtuaGirl: Virtual product, Real profits!

In the highly saturated and competitive industry that is online adult entertainment, standing out from the rest can make or break your company. Making the decision to go niche or interactive automatically makes you different, or puts you in a category. And as in life in general, being different is not always the easiest route to take. You have to strongly believe in your products, and have good reason to do so. Totem Entertainment have brought us VirtuaGirl and, two uniquely developed sexy entertainment products that have rocked the adult market, to the benefit of everybody involved.

Back in late 1999, Richard Excoffier and Hervé Lucchi, the two co-founders of Totem Entertainment, saw a gap in the online adult market. Their experience in the video game industry gave them a different insight, an angle from which they could scrutinize the possibilities for their product concept.
Richard : "We had this idea of trying to mix the best parts of two extremely competitive and dynamic industries : video games and adult online entertainment. We had a look at what worked best in both areas and where we could eventually find the most effective points of synergy for our new product. We saw a lack of interaction in the online adult content that was being offered to people at the time, there was little or no customizable software out there and everybody seemed to be offering more or less the same thing : photos, short mpegs etc. In bringing together our experience and know-how from the video games sector, and applying it to an adult context, we developed a product that was dynamic, different, entertaining and sexy all at the same time, that product is VirtuaGirl".

Since then VirtuaGirl has become one of the most successful adult applications on the internet with over 150 million people choosing to download it since its launch.
Today, Totem Entertainment, like its products, has evolved and grown through the dynamic technological capabilities of its product software and its 20 strong team of dedicated professionals. "Today we're introducing elements to our products and sites which add value to the overall marketing strategy. We're maximizing our products' potential in both technological and marketing terms in an effort to push the limits and see how far we can take it."

"Our products record mega high retention ratios for three main reasons" explains Richard. "The first is that they are 100% customizable. The user is given full control of his girls, there is an empowerment factor there and people always love that. Secondly, the quality of our girls, their videos and full screen photos are awesome. And the ultimate in adult content that comes with membership is second to none. The third main reason is our continuous renewal of content. Whether that be girls, photos, videos etc. Every week there is at least one new element added to keep those clients coming back for more".

"Our sites work because we understand that our clients : whether they be end-users or webmasters are the most important people out there. They tell us what they want and we adapt our programs to their needs. You have to keep projects rolling at a high speed, especially in the Internet business. Norms change, new technologies are brought in quicker now than ever before and you have to keep ahead of the rest".

"There's one thing that companies in this industry have to remember : having new technology and great products at your disposal will only bring you so far, for a product to really work on the net you have to share the wealth, make it worth the while for your clients and partners to advertise your products on their sites.
At Totem Entertainment, the two most important people for us are our clients who use the products and our Webmasters. Without them we wouldn't even be here talking today. What we offer at TOTEMCASH is probably the highest money making partnership a Webmaster will ever see. People are wary of getting ripped off, which is normal, but you have to believe me that there are no hidden scams, no small print behind our Revshare programs. We're for real, the products are for real, and most importantly, the revenues are for real, just read any of the testimonials on the site and see for yourself! I tell them, "listen, what we're giving you is a trustworthy, extremely well-paid partnership. You get strong brand names of unique, interactive products that won't jeopardize other money-making deals that already work on your site(s)". They can't loose, they turn wasted space into gold and convert traffic that they would never have converted before. That sounds like one hell of a good deal to anyone ! But we gotta keep spreading the good news. Not enough people know about TOTEMCASH and its awesome rebilling capabilities. We're like the Viagra of cash portals, you're performance will double in days!" 

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